Stark’s Update – 7 August

Dear Friends and Family,

I have experienced some very prosperous days in Uganda.  Much to tell but will have to give details later.  God is bleessing in a marvelous way.

We were going to Rwanda by vehicle but had to change plans this morning and will fly tomorrow afternoon.  Physical problems broke out and couldn’t go.

Please pray for continued wisdom and the power of God.  Someone sent me some money while I was in Buhimba and I have already used it to help a preacher buy timbers and iron sheets to build a church building.  God is so good.

God is using New Life Radio to do so much.  Everywhere we turn we are finding people that testify of how NLR has benefited them.  We are making some improvements that will send our broadcasts further and further.  Pastor John from Kyatiri came to the station to record some messages.  Some men from Congo called him as they were in Hoima town buying pigs.  They listen to him on the radio in Congo and wanted to meet with him.

Brethren your prayers and offerings are affecting lives for eternity.  You are making good investments with your time and money.

Thank you for helping me do the will and work of God.

Tony Stark

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